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Raven's Reviews: Love Letters to a Serial Killer by Tasha Coryell

Updated: Jun 7

Love Letters to a Serial Killer by Tasha Coryell

DNF ⭐️ 1 Star

I’m at a loss for where to start. As a journalist, victim advocate, true crime podcast host, author, and audiobook narrator, I’m deeply embedded in the world of crime, both in my professional life and personal experiences. I’ve encountered many victims and their families, and I share a similar history. Without delving too deep—because these stories are all too familiar—the portrayal of victims in this book is deeply troubling. The sensationalism and romanticization of their experiences are glaringly apparent, suggesting the author lacks firsthand knowledge of being a crime victim or knowing one.

The narrative style is passable, but it occasionally falters, shifting from a first-person perspective to an omniscient viewpoint, which could lead to confusion for some readers.

The protagonist is particularly vexing. From the outset, her self-centered and petulant demeanor was off-putting. Despite her claims of virtue, her actions suggest otherwise, and her intrusive behavior only compounds her unlikability. I found it so unbearable that I stopped reading after chapter 12, unable to endure her internal monologue any longer. While I understand the concept of creating flawed characters to demonstrate growth, there was no sign of improvement—only a descent into deeper self-absorption.

My initial interest in the book was driven by a hope that it might offer insights akin to those I’ve gained from colleagues who engage with criminals for victim advocacy. Unfortunately, the book’s perspective felt more akin to that of a Bundyesque cult follower than a voice for the victims.

Given these reasons, I cannot endorse this book to my audience or fellow readers.

I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy.


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